Thigh Stretching

Thigh Stretching Operation

Depending on the age or after weight loss, flaccid tissues may form in the thigh area, especially in the inner leg area. The deterioration in this area, which usually disturbs the person aesthetically, can be restored to a better form by stretching and/or liposuction applications.

How is the Stretching Lift operation process?

A detailed interview with the patient and the procedure to be performed after the examination are determined. In patients with good skin elasticity, usually only liposuction or laser-assisted liposuction procedures can benefit, while in patients with advanced sagging and low skin elasticity, stretching operations with various different incisions are planned. Operations can be performed with spinal anesthesia or general anesthesia if does not require additional surgical procedures. Patients are usually hospitalized overnight and are discharged the next day unless otherwise developed.

How is the Process After the Thigh Stretching Operation?

Patients may have different healing processes depending on the type of procedure performed. Only patients who have undergone liposuction or laser liposuction can immediately return to their work and social life. In these patients, the use of appropriate corsets is recommended for a period of 2 months. After stretching operations, rest long is recommended, with a partial return to social life during the recovery period of about 2 weeks.

Bleeding, infection, wound healing problems are problems that can be encountered at an early stage, and scars and contour deformities can be seen at a late stage.