
What is liposuction?

The fat distribution of each person may differ depending on their genetic characteristics. In particular, the hips, and belly are frequent lubrication areas, but they can also be seen in areas such as the arms, legs, and back. This greasiness increases especially with advancing age and may persist despite sports and diet practices. Liposuction is not a weight-loss operation, but an operation aimed at permanent fat deposits present in certain areas.

How is the liposuction operation process?

A liposuction operation is performed by inserting cannulas connected to a motor with a vacuum effect through 3-4 mm incisions with a split section and absorbing the existing adipose tissue. A liquid with a bleeding-reducing and pain-relieving effect is injected into this area before the procedure. Although this is the basis of liposuction surgery, some types are supported by ultrasound, laser, or mechanical energy. With all these types, liposuction operation is not just a simple fat removal operation, it is a reshaping operation using the fat tissue accumulated in certain areas of the body.

The goal is not to get all the fat, but to make the body shape aesthetically better by using existing fat stores. With the changing paradigm and especially with the more frequent use of energy-assisted systems, skin tightening has been added and the liposuction procedure has come to the forefront as a liposculping-fat tissue shaping concept.

Where is liposuction used?

Liposuction alone is often applied to the abdomen, waist, side parts of the thighs, hip area, neck, arms, but it is almost always used with operations such as tummy tuck, breast reduction. It is also used for breast enlargement in men and mastectomy operations of trans people from woman to man, especially laser or ultrasound-assisted varieties are used in almost all patients.

What is the postoperative process like?

Skin elasticity is one of the most important determinants in terms of liposuction operation results. Especially with low skin elasticity may need additional procedures such as stretching, hanging. As a general approach, patients are avoided from taking too high amounts of fat. Patients who do not have a very high amount of fat removed after surgery usually stay in the hospital overnight. The most feared complication is those fat particles that enter the blood from the area where the fat was taken at an early stage cause an embolism. Bleeding and infection are conditions that can be seen at an early stage. Bruises may appear on the operated area, it is a temporary condition. In the late period, irregularities may appear in the area where the oil was taken. Patients should wear a corset continuously for the first 1 month, and then a corset should be worn according to the doctor's recommendation.