

Surgical interventions are performed using special surgical microscopes and magnifying optical glasses in the microsurgical technique, in which surgical interventions are performed on structures in the human body that are too small to be intervened with the naked eye. By surgical instruments specially produced for the elimination of problems arising on microstructures, the surgeon repairs damage caused to structures such as vessels and nerves smaller than 1 mm. Using microsurgery, problems such as ensuring the continuity of blood flow in the vessels, repairing injured vessels and nerves, congenital and acquired disorders of shape and function are intervened. In addition, along with the progressive surgical techniques and technology, significant improvements have been made in the field of reconstructive microsurgery. By reconstructive microsurgery, in which the mutilated or disfigured body parts are restored to their normal shape, the severed body limbs are combined to ensure that they perform their normal functions. By applying sutures as thin as a strand of hair with microsurgery, damaged nerve structures are repaired and treated in such a way as to restore their former functions.

Reconstructive microsurgery is a surgical discipline that requires advanced training, study, and dedication, where the surgeon's motivation and concentration are always at the highest level. Here, not only the restoration of lost or damaged tissue is performed, but also plastic surgeons try to give it the most aesthetic form. In particular, reconstructive breast surgery is an area where aesthetic and reconstructive principles are blended and top-level techniques are used.