Breast Lifting
Breast Lifting
Weight changes can be effective in the breasts and sagging may occur after breastfeeding, with age. A hollow appearance may occur on the breasts. In this case, the operation to try to get the skin and other breast tissues to the phase and get to the place where the nipple should be is called a breast lift or mastopexy operation.
How is the breast lifting operation process?
The operation is performed under general anesthesia. It takes about 2-2,5 hours. Various techniques are available. For example, there is an operation where only the perpendicular scar to the nipple and from here to the bottom of the chest, an operation where the scar remains on the nipple, and operations with a reverse T trace or a short reverse T trace is available. The technique of the operation is determined by taking into account the patient's condition, the degree of sagging of the breasts, and the patient's expectations. At the same time as breast lift surgery, breast reduction or augmentation operations are performed together, so that the breast is shaped more appropriately. Lifting operations are mostly operations that require only one night's hospitalization, and the patient can return to her normal social life within 10 days.
What is the postoperative process like?
After surgery, patients are discharged with a special bra and are expected to use special bras for the first month. Pain or discomfort is usually minimal and can be easily controlled with oral painkillers. Heavy arm movements are restricted for the first month. Although rare, complications that may develop at an early stage are bleeding, infection, seam reactions, or other fluid accumulation. In the late period, there may be a loss of sensation in the nipple, there may be inequality between the breasts, dissatisfaction with the shape dec These are usually rare. It should be remembered that after each operation there will be scars on the areas where the incision was made. In the long term, the scars their prominence decreases.