
Aesthetic interventions related to the ear are mostly surgical interventions aimed at correcting congenital and rarely acquired deformities. The most common of these procedures is a specific ear surgery. In addition to this procedure, attempts are made to october deformities that develop after trauma or burns, or surgeries aimed at correcting other congenital deformities.

How is the ear surgery process?

Scoop ear and similar minor ear surgeries are usually performed with local anesthesia. after the operation, the patient uses a bandage for a day or two. later appropriate bandanas are used. General anesthesia may be preferred due to the age of the patient in the operations of scoop ear and similar congenital anomalies.

What is scoop ear surgery like?

The operation takes dec 1 to 1.5 hours. An incision made behind the ear is usually made after removing the skin ellipse, the ear cartilage is exposed. After that, a piece of cartilage can be removed or the cartilage is given a new shape with stitches. After that, the skin is closed with absorbable sutures and a bandage is applied after dressing.

What are the conditions that prevent surgery?

Due to the fact that the patients are mostly children or teenagers, situations that prevent surgery are rare. In cases such as problems with anesthesia, presence of concomitant chronic diseases or use of blood drugs, the patient is evaluated in detail and operation planning is carried out after additional consultations as necessary.

What is the process like after scoop ear surgery?

Hospitalization is not required after the operation.The patient is discharged on the same day. The next day, the patient is examined again and the bandage is removed and the dressing is applied. then a bandana is applied. Bandanna application is continued for the first three weeks day and night, and then at night.

What are the unexpected conditions and complications after surgery?

Possible complications after scoop ear surgery are rare. common are infections, bleeding and hematomas, wound healing disorders.